
We have extensively tested our AR software and it works best on your phone under these conditions.

  1. Google Chrome or Apple Safari browsers.
  2. It will need permissions for Camera (so it can see what you see), Location (so it can be where you be), and Motion Sensing (so the card can face the camera).

If you run into trouble, try these things first:

  1. Try an incognito (or private) window which should force it to ask for permissions.
  2. Try clearing your browser cache.

If none of those things work, send us a screenshot of the problem to

We will take an active look into it. We’ve built our system with the best available coding and sometimes little things can happen. Sending a greeting card shouldn’t be a stressful experience, and we respect your peace of mind in this technological age. Because we are realists at heart and know that our tech is a little ahead of the curve, we do offer a money back guarantee if it just doesn’t want to work for you. Again, sending us a screenshot is the best way to get a resolution; as well as gives us a lead in our development process.

Thank you!!

your cARds without pApeR team.